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Section: New Results

Mechanization of AODV loop freedom proof

Participant : Timothy Bourke.

The Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol is described in RFC3561. It allows the nodes in a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) to know where to forward messages so that they eventually reach their destinations. The nodes of such networks are reactive systems that cooperate to provide a global service (the sending of messages from node to node) satisfying certain correctness properties (namely `loop freedom'—that messages are never sent in circles).

We have mechanized an existing formal but pen-and-paper proof of loop freedom of AODV in the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. While the process algebra model and the fine details of the original proof are quite formal, the structure of the proof is much less so. This necessitated the development of new framework elements and techniques in Isabelle. In particular, we adapted standard theory on inductive assertions to show invariants over individual reactive nodes and introduced machinery for assume/guarantee reasoning to lift these invariants to networks of communicating processes. While the original proof reasoned informally over traces, the mechanized proof is purely based on invariant reasoning, i.e., on reasoning over pairs of reachable states. Our combination of techniques works very well and is likely useful for modelling and verifying similar protocols in an interactive theorem prover.

We are currently finalising a paper describing this work for submission in January.

In collaboration with Peter Hofner (NICTA) and Robert J. van Glabbeek (UNSW/NICTA).